
Look for the light!

Our Products

Explore our handmade products made of recycled glass bottles


We make our candles by hand using the bottom part of different bottles, and we fragrance them according to the season. Each of them is unique and special, just like its scent or shape.

Our jewelry holders of special color and shape are subtle and elegant. As their colors and shapes are given by our unique bottles, you definitely won't find two identical ones.

Jewelry Holders

Discontinued products!
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Our Message

Alcoholism nowadays is discoverable not only among adults, but people of younger ages, as it has been spreading particularly among teenagers. This problem is rarely taken seriously, even though, it can have severe short-term and long-term consequences. It also creates physical, mental and societal problems.

Under preparation...

About Us

We are the Lumier student enterprise. Our goal is to raise awareness with the help of our products about a very important problem: alcoholism and excessive alcohol consumption.

We make our products by hand using recycled glass bottles, therefore each of them are unique.

Find us at the markets!


We at Lumier have plenty of supporters to thank for reaching where we are now. Thank you for Mad House and Hotel Moments for donating many bottles to our company and everyone else that contributed to our company with bottles, or any other way. Without them, we couldn't have done it and we are eternally grateful for all the help.

- The Lumier Team